Saturday, September 8, 2012


There are uncountable many pagodas and Buddha images in Arakan (Rakhine) ancient culture city (Mrauk-U) in Rakhine state,Myanmar.
In those, Chit Thaung pagoda is the most famous ancient pagodas in Myanmar. In this ancient culture area, we can  count  the   " 6352755" pagodas and Buddha images, so we record  like that "The Zin Pan Khine ta Myine Myine, Rakhine Pa Rar Paung"  It means  Myanmar calendar day numerical system record like that  Sunday is - 1, Monday is- 2,Tues day -3,etc. Chit Thaung  pagoda was built by Arakan ( Rakhine) king Min Bar ( Coronation name Thu Ri Ya San Da .A.D 1535).
The reason why he build this Chit Thaung pagoda was because  after one year later he ruled the Mrauk-U city, he conquered  the Bin Gar(12) cities in India. After returning back to his Mrauk-U city, he carried so many Buddha images and relics from India where there was none to took care of in that area. When the victorious king reached Mrauk-U city, his advisers,Pandits Shin Mra War and Pandit ma Har OPin Nyar Kyaw urged the king Min Bar and give advices to build the Chit Thaung pagoda in the memorial of conquest near the side of Min Bin King's palance on pho  Khaung Mountain.
It was first  by Shin Mra War with golden post construction on Era (895), full moon day of Tha Saung Bome.
The construction  was supervised and guided by Shin Mra War. Under this pagoda,there is (5) main hall and (5) road paths. On the side of the wall  of pagoda, replaced the 80,000( eighty thousand ) of Buddha images and sculpture  of  Buddha history by stone sculpture.
The history of Chit Thaung pagoda was researched and done the thesis by research scholar Mrs.Panmela Gutaman from  Australia University, and anthropologist Mr. forshama. They wrote about  history of Chit Taung pagoda and made distribution to the world. you can get the books urged to study for more knowledge.
 If you want  to visit and study the Chit Thaung Pagoda, please, first come to Yangon and then to Sittwe, the capital city of Arakan ( Rakhine) state by plane. You can come to Maruk-U by water route (40) miles away from sittwe.  It wall  take three  hours by speed  boat to reach the historical sit.
              Dhamma- gift excels all other gifts.
              Written By
              Ashin Sandima (Dhammalayeik)

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